Beta Firmware upgrade

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Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by psg »

Hi, I've been using a 2B for a while and looking to upgrade the firmware on mine with the latest Beta release. Has anyone used it yet ?

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Re: Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by LondonSubNigel »

If you're in the developers section, you'll see feedback from other people using it.

Generally, I'd say unless you are prepared to take notes, and give feedback on the beta, stick with the latest release.
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Re: Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by Mactwister »

Apparently you have to send a PM to the admin requesting access to the developers forum. The beta firmware is there. Plus you have to have made three forum posts. I am trying to jump through those hoops now too.
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Re: Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by admin »

The 3 posts rule is an attempt to engage users rather than just existing as a dump of code that you come and download and then vanish. Previously we have had 100s of 'developers' who only logged in once, downloaded the current beta and were never seen again. If people expect us to attempt to continue to attempt to improve our products, then I feel asking users to be active on our forum is a small price to pay. Its simple, if you don't like it then you have the choice to join other forums, but I'm not sure where you are going to find a manufacturer offering the level of support that we do.

The reasons the Developers Forum is separate to our main forum is to avoid thread confusion. We have had issues in the past where new users download beta code, then complain that nothing works, or even 'brick' their unit without understanding the development process. There are bugs and errors in the current beta firmware, but a quick glance at some threads from a normal user, or even a google search would result in some users assuming that their unit suffers from a mentioned bug. We have had comments in the past regarding bugs in previous versions of code from users who were adamant that the bug existed in their current unit, despite their unit not even having the code mentioned, so we 'hide' the developers forum, and offer a very simple and clear method of entry - we could just make everything invite only, as after all this is a developers forum, if you just want firmware and are not prepared to offer constructive feedback on the various betas, then possibly these are not the right hoops for you and you should wait until we release firmware on the general site.

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Re: Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by Mactwister »

Sorry to seem a bother.

If ears are open to unfiltered feedback, there may be an opportunity to make things a bit more inviting to new customers and prospective beta testers.

I don't believe I said anything to indicate I wouldn't offer feedback on the beta. Nor do I believe I questioned the level of support. However, after reading that, I need some reassurance that my input will be accepted as valid without incurring the risk of being classified as a complainer.

So far, my experience with this manufacturer has been mostly positive. That is really saying something, especially after receiving two units in a row that had manufacturing defects. In both instances the replacement process was handled very quickly and efficiently. It seems that this same sort of pro-customer environment would be a benefit on this side of the business too.

In this scenario, beta testers work for free, so why be concerned is they don't all give feedback? Maybe that's just an indicator that you should open the doors a little wider and encourage more participation.
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Re: Beta Firmware upgrade

Post by admin »

Please dont think that we won't welcome your feedback..

I was only explaining our reasons for the 3 posts rule, and since it has been implemented we have reduced the overhead of dealing with users who don't understand the nature of beta software and increased the about of active users who have written some quite in depth feedback and also given us extensive food for thought for future ideas.

We will always try to respond to all feedback, sometimes it just takes us a little longer (I'm currently on Holiday so I only get to login once a day at the moment), so I don't think you are going to have any issues with the developers section.


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