How powerful?

The forum for help regarding the E-Stim Systems ElectroPebble. Have you got one? or thinking of purchasing one? Ask your questions here
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How powerful?

Post by Urbanfox »

Hello there,
Can anybody let me know how powerful the new 'Pebble' unit is? (compared to the series 1 unit).
I currently own the series one (have done for many years), looking to purchase a unit with more than just the single channel (and hopefully more power!), Is 'The Pebble' unit the way to go???

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Re: How powerful?

Post by admin »

Well the Pebble has two channels, with independent power drivers, as well as audio and a number of other programs

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Re: How powerful?

Post by damned »

I've recently purchased one of these, and already have a Series 1, so I can answer your question.
Unfortunately, the Pebble is nowhere near as powerful as the Series 1.
While the Pebble has a number of modes, none of them are of any use if the power is lacking.
So, if I were you I'd save my money and stick with the Series 1.
I wish I had done the same...
The other disadvantage is that the unit emits a high-pitched noise, which will vary depending upon the frequency of the pulse applied, so is not entirely discrete.
I really wanted to like it, but I feel like I've wasted my money.
If I could return it for a refund, I would.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by admin »

I'm very surprised as to your comments, as the Pebble on a technical basis uses an identical drive system to the Series 1, in fact 2 of them, and apart from the fact you are running the equilents on two Series 1 off a single battery, generally the power and output levels are similar per channel.

Since its launch in August we have had many many people comment positively on how it compares to the Series 1. All units emit a whine, as the drive circuits generally work in the audio range, just some are more noticeable than others.

Have you asked the Customers Services team if there is an issue with your Pebble? Have your tried replacing the battery? Experimenting with other locations for electrodes & pad positions?

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Re: How powerful?

Post by UKRubberguy »

@urbanfox I have one of the ElectroPebbles and I find that it is just as powerful as my Series 1. In fact if I am using both channels I find it very difficult to get beyond three quarters power.
@damned I would suggest that you speak to their customer services they have always been very helpful when I have contacted them for advise. There might be a defect with your ElectroPebble. Just a thought.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by damned »

Thanks for the comments.
I'll try changing the battery and cables to see if it's something simple.
If it's still the same, I'll contact customer services, as suggested.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by zeroed »

My ElectroPebble just came yesterday and i confirm that it seroiusly lacks power.

Both channels up at maximum, doesn't even hurt.For a 9v powered device the power is very low.

The routines are nice, but the power is very low which makes them unusable.

I tried changing battery no difference.

I tried different positions, different electrodes ( have been using couple of TENS since last year ) , the lack of power is serious issue.

For that price it should be doing much much better.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by admin »

My ElectroPebble just came yesterday and i confirm that it seroiusly lacks power.

Both channels up at maximum, doesn't even hurt.For a 9v powered device the power is very low.
Both Channels at Maximum will give a slightly reduced output as you are drawing the maximum amount of power from the battery. There is a limit as to what you can draw from a 9V battery unless you are happy for it to last minutes. None of our devices are designed to 'hurt', and if you assumed the ElectroPebble would then you are sadly mistaken.

The routines are nice, but the power is very low which makes them unusable.
Having just read another two positive reviews today from customer about the ElectroPebble, I would suggest your experience does not match that of many many others. The ElectroPebble does not have the power of say the 2B, but then it is half the price. If you are looking for power/pain experiences then I suggest a commercially produced unit might never offer you what you want as the levels required to provide serious pain are far beyond what would be considered to be safe.
I tried changing battery no difference.
A good start. What does the battery level indicate when you turn the ElectroPebble on?

I tried different positions, different electrodes ( have been using couple of TENS since last year ) , the lack of power is serious issue.
The ElectroPebble is NOT a TENS unit. Are you using conductive lube? insertables? Conductive rubber or rings - all of which can effect the sensation.
For that price it should be doing much much better.
It is. there is no other comparable device on the market in terms of price and functionality. If all you seek is pain/hurt then I would suggest the ElectroPebble is NOT the unit to go to, but in that situation you would have to either consider something like a 2B, which does offer more power and well as mains power options but does cost twice as much.


PS I am the designer of the ElectroPebble, the Series 1 and the 2B.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by UKRubberguy »

@zeroed I think you have misunderstood what this unit is for. It is not for hurting it is for sensation and getting off. As someone who has played with electro for some 20 years and used all sorts of units from cheap TENS machines to the Erostek ET312B and the E-Stim 2B I think the Electropebble is great value for money and packed with features that you do not get in any other units for the price. Yes it is not as powerful as the ET312 or the 2B but it is nowhere near the price.

Personally I find TENS machines lack functionality and tend to be too harsh for my tastes but based on your comment about hurting maybe you prefer the more harsh and painful sensations. I guess it is each to their own, but mine certainly does not lack power. Maybe you have a defective unit or you just have a higher threshold for sensation than me, or perhaps you have simply bought something expecting it to be something it is not, but I don't see how that is E-Stim Systems fault . I think they do a great job and for the price I don't think they can be beaten.

Here in the UK the competition Electrastim I find are more expensive and again in my opinion lack power and their units don't have the same level of functionality that you get with the Electropebble

I would be interested to hear how you get on though as whenever I have spoken to them about stuff (pre purchase as I have not had any issues on any of the bits I have bought) they have been really helpful and really know their stuff.

Perhaps @damned can comment on what has happened with his unit and what they have said if he has contacted them about it.

Yes I may be biased as I have spent quite a lot of money with them, but then I have spent a lot of money on other stuff which didn't hit the spot just speaking as I find.
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Re: How powerful?

Post by zeroed »

i think you are focusing too much on the "hurt" moment.

What i tried to say is that i was expecting to not be able to stand both channels at maximum power,instead both channels at max are nearly there but not quite.It needs about 25% more.

I tried different electrodes,what seemed to work better is flange insertable which came with my Pebble and two metal penis rings - black electrodes on the flange,red on the rings.With the conductive loops power is even less.

Battery was reading full when i turn on the device.

And again,please stop focusing on the pain,because it is not what i am looking for when using e-stim device.

I have checked Youtube review about it and some posts on smartstim forum,plus Joanne's review on her blog before i got on to the device.i got the impression that it had more power than mine is delivering.

Simple as that.

I got response on my e-mail to E-Stim Systems,going to try it when i get home,but i am not expecting things to change - it seems that it is what it is.

I wonder if battery type matters - there is two.One is 8.4 volts the other is 9.6 volts.

I saw that people use some 12 volt batteries in the 2B,no idea if this can be done on the Pebble,or if it is going to add some more power to it,or is it going to do damage to it.
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