Controlling output level

The unique Audio sensation....the ABox. How to get the best out of your ABox, and ABox Mk2
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Controlling output level

Post by Highdays »

I am thinking of getting an abox, and would like to use the two outputs for different electrodes.

I have a question- How could i control the output so that different amplitude could go to each electrode.

With my existing box (a basic non audio box from another supplier) i find that i need to be able to have lower output in one trode than the other for comfort. Esp when the trodes are different types, also depending on where i place them.


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Re: Controlling output level

Post by admin »

The simple answer is you cannot. the ABox is a single channel output unit, to do as you wish you would need a 2B, which has independant controls for each output.

E-Stim Systems Ltd

Re: Controlling output level

Post by Highdays »

Thanks for letting me know. Or i suppose i could get more than, and split the input between them. I understand that the a-box is better at replicating audio signals exactly than the 2b which might be better for stereostim overall, is that true?

(Though i can see that the 2b has so much more to offer apart from this)
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