Input signal but no output

The unique Audio sensation....the ABox. How to get the best out of your ABox, and ABox Mk2
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Input signal but no output

Post by kinkyian »

Hey all, new to the world of real estim after finally leaving the tens side of things.

I recently got myself an ABox with a small torpedo, on certain occasions I have noticed the input level is flashing away but there appears to be no output and I feel nothing.

For example I found some web teases and although I can hear the signal and see the display showing an input level, I just feel nothing.. even in some cases I can feel the signal and then that stops despite the level showing and then comes back again.

I don't know if its a user error or something though and if the sterio signal is intended for use with two seperate toys to output to and the fact I only have one toy connected to it, I am only feeling essentially the left signal but not the right.. if that makes sense at all? Kind of guessing with this haha...

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Re: Input signal but no output

Post by admin »

No the ABox is a mono output device, although it has two output sockets for legacy reasons.

The input LEDS are there to give you an idea of the input activity, the ideal input is bouncing up and down to 100%, not maxing it out completely (i.e All LEDS on all the time). Then simply turn the output up on the ABox, and you should be able to feel something. The sensation is highly dependent on the sound input, as well as the location of the electrodes etc, so the best advice is experiment with different sounds. You can over drive the input to gain more power but we find you loose some of the nuances of the input signal.

Remember the ABox is actually designed to work with music, so some stimming tonal tracks might not give you the effect that others have on other units, and even tracks designed for the 2B might or might not work on the ABox, they are very different units.

If you are not getting any output them then drop the support team a message and we can get your unit checked out.

E-Stim Systems Ltd
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