power of the ElectroHelix

The forum for support and questions in relating to the E-Stim System ElectroHelix
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power of the ElectroHelix

Post by dragonfly »


I am the owner of the new Electrohelix. I like it but I am not very fond of the power of it - I can easily turn the level knob to maximum (I can clearly feel the current but it's not very strong). I have read it has more power than the series1. I didn't know the Series 1, so I cannot compare it to that box, but in my opinion it's having not nearly enough power. I know all persons are different, but I doesn't feel right. :(
And I cannot get the intense mode to run: I press the firebutton, hold it and switch on the device - all LED are blinking for as long as I am holding the fire button, I release the fire button the LEDs are wandering to the right as in the normal mode and that's it - no intensivation at all. I have already changed the cable and the battery but to no avail, so I am wondering, did I do something wrong or is the device damaged?

Maybe someone has an idea what could be wrong or can tell me how can I assure that the intense mode is running/working.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: power of the ElectroHelix

Post by admin »

have you tried contacting the support team directly? info@e-stim.co.uk to see if there is a problem with your Helix? Generally the Helix has been well received in terms of its power, but there are always people who find they want or need more power.

You might also find an improvement in intensity if you use more or less gel, or vary the electrodes/positioning, but not knowing what you are currently using it is hard to suggest options.

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Re: power of the ElectroHelix

Post by Seattlite »

I've found the Helix's power to be very strong, personally—What kind of electrodes are you using with it? I'm using a large insertable (the Stuffer) and I don't usually go above half way on the red LEVEL knob.

Although I have noticed a bell curve on the LEVEL strength depending on the yellow and blue knobs. For example, if I have the yellow FEEL and blue SPEED knobs at Max I find it's very faint and that's the only time I've turned the LEVEL up beyond halfway. I did notice that if I turn the FEEL knob down from Max as little as a quarter turn (while keeping the SPEED at Max, and the LEVEL over halfway) it got really intense quick—kind of like a reservoir of power was released, and I had to turn the LEVEL all the way off and slowly back on before it felt comfortable again.

I haven't used this feature, but the Helix has a SPORT mode that is supposed to boost the power when you hold the FIRE button down as you start it (until all the lights lightup). Have you tried that?
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Re: power of the ElectroHelix

Post by Baza »

I find my absolute fantastic for power I have brought the 2B because of the more functions on the 2B but still love helix it's so simple to use
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