Music as stereo input

The most versatile and user friendly E-Stim control unit available today. If you want More Power, More Control, and more fun, then the 2B is the one you want.
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Music as stereo input

Post by AmarjiuAmuan »

I'm having a lot of issue with trying to stim using music (from PMVs playing in potplayer). I've got the audio properly split to the different outputs, but the 2B tends to have little to no response sometimes and then will deliver a very strong pulse, even at relatively low power. I've got the audio input for the headphone jack down to 30% and further controlling things with Voicemeter (i.e. EQ)

I'm using a triphase electrosetup (have the black joined then split again) and works well in the other stim modes. I've used the same setup with the microphone input on an electropebble and everything worked well, but can't seem to even replicate let alone enhance the experience compared to that.

I've tried a bunch of random things, but just can't seem the 2B to respond consistently.

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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by Stimaddict »

Truth is music is a lousy audio input for ALL stimboxes, including the 2B. As an experiment go to the Stimfile Archive and find the folder named "Classical" in the '#Other Stuff' section. There you will find five pieces of classical music presented in original format (played on a synthesizer) and also converted to estim audio files. Compare these on your 2B and see the difference.

Just a reminder that *ANYONE* here is welcome to PM me for a download link to hundreds of free, shared mp3 stimfiles organized by author - some up to 4 hours long!
There is a monster 35 GB of audio files in total, enough to fry your cock every day until the year 2049!
I cannot post the link here out of respect for this forum's Admin and board rules regarding direct links to other people's work.
*Unlimited access to the Stimfile Archive with No fees, No registration required, No ads, No catches, No expiry date and No hidden motives.
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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by AmarjiuAmuan »

Hi Stimaddict,

Appreciate you responding to my post here as well as on reddit.

I'd ask that you review page 20 of the 2B Manual, ... B_2105.pdf

"The Audio modes were mainly designed for use with complex audio sources, i.e. music.
Using single tones such from tone generators will result in a less predictable experience."

I understand that my inputs into the device may be incorrect for the way it's designed to process audio, but it's specifically claimed to handle music and as I mentioned the Electropebble Mono Microphone can handle this quite well. I'm seeking advice on how to tune my audio input so that the 2B has a similar experience to that device.

I'm having some success as of yesterday using XToysApp to take real-time audio input from my PC and using the output from there to, again in real-time, generate a signal more amenable to the 2B. It's also allowing a bit more control over the amplitude....Ideally the 2B would be taking the native audio though. I'm also surprised that the commander software doesn't offer a virtual audio input to do something exactly like this, it's not a particularly complex way to handle the input.
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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by admin »

The 2B and the ElectroPebble handle audio in different ways, so be aware of that.

Also in terms of music remember music covers a wide range of genres, so finding it doesn't give you what you expect on a particular track or artist is simply down to the music and the perception of the subject. It6 was designed to work with music because that is how we played when we designed the unit. the 2B is not and has never been a 'stereostim' unit.

Commander is control software offering over a serial port, and has no where near the speed to process audio, mainly as it was never designed to. Commander actually gives you more control over the output than any audio file can.

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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by AmarjiuAmuan »

Is there any advice as to what type of music works well? Certainly song with a strong repeating bass have worked better than others, but the issue still to be that it seems to be responding to something very particular in the music/audio, and therefore I can't determine the right parameters so that I'm not between no feeling and very painful when the device is set on low power at <15%.

The same setup works fine in other modes like pulse or throb and can push the power much higher.

I'm not suggesting commander to directly control the 2B via serial (i get that it doesn't have direct control over pulses and is instead setting mode over serial), but rather could take a music input and generate an appropriate audio signal for the 2B.

Maybe there is no way to tune the audio input the way the 2B is currently programmed, but I can certainly envision a better way to easily process music that I think are better in line with my expectations of a $400 device (and many other users looking at many similar posts on this forum and on reddit).

Is there a better way we could discuss this? I'd be willing to invest some time/energy/knowledge/skills to improve this.
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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by admin »

Consider upgrading to the current Beta, where you now have 2 stereo modes, and more control over the output 3 maps as well. The Betas are also being developed to offer more in terms of control and processing of stereo inputs, although if you hare having strong feelings at 15%, I would suggest dropping your input levels and increasing the power levels to give you more 'headroom'. - the bargraphs should be bouncing, not solid.

The big issue in general is when we say music we are referring to complex audio sources that are designed to be listened to, and not mono tonal sources that the vast majority of stereo stimmers are using. We have a complex integration with the signal processing system, and then the driving of the unique 2B output system, all of which contribute to the complexities and nuances of the outputs.

We also have to make sure that the outputs are effective and safe, No current stereostim device carries any form of certification in relation to safety, and knowing the requirements for the various standards, it is hard to see if any could be passed.

Music that works well for me? vocals, guitars and certain rock tracks have the wow factor for us.

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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by u413790 »


I would like to access the library of files you mentioned in an earlier post but can't figure out how to PM you.
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Re: Music as stereo input

Post by soundcraft »

You might want to experiment with compressing the audio if you find it too spiky. Audacity has compression you could use for this.
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