Blood in semen after stimming

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Blood in semen after stimming

Post by thalexad »

Hey folks, wondered if anyone had experienced this:

Been stimming for about a year now (Pebble & 2B), and have recently noticed that I’m getting blood appear in my semen, and then continue to get blood in urine for a few hours, usually a day or so after a stim session (sometimes just happens regardless of stim session). This doesn’t happen every time, but frequently enough to be a concern, and has been recurring for a few months.

Potentially not related to stim, but have ruled out basically everything else at this point (via doctor), so thought I’d see if anyone else had seen this. Doctor has run out of ideas!

Have been using silicon loops and the Flange, sessions usually lasting an hour-ish.

I’m a 30y.o. M, with no other complications, and obv have already tested for all the usual!

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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by mrbutt89 »

I've had this in the past, and it is alarming. In my case it wasn't necessarily due to my e-stim sessions, although it was at the end of an intense session that I first noticed it. It appears more likely to be associated with extended periods of intense sexual stimulation, which of course is what you often get with e-stim, hence the apparent correlation.

I spoke to my doctor about it, and he referred me on to a consultant. He did some checks and decided that my "haematospermia" was spontaneous and not connected with any underlying health condition. Apparently, it can just happen sometimes. The blood vessels in that area of the body are very delicate and occasionally can just rupture due to blood pressure. The problem subsided after a few worrying weeks. It happened again a couple of years later, but then went away of its own accord. I still e-stim regularly and haven't experienced it now for a number of years.

If I were in your position, I'd hold tight for now and give it a couple of months. If it's still happening at that point, you might need to ask your doctor for a referral. However, I'm not a medical expert, so please exercise your own judgement!
Last edited by mrbutt89 on Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by Davespages »

Any blood in your urine or sperm should not be taken lightly.

Does this happen without a stim session?
(You are not eating beetroot are you? As that can cause slightly red urine)
If this is recurring please seek a second opinion from another doctor.. just in case.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by thalexad »

Hah, yeah did consider beetroot - haven’t eaten any for a while!

I got tested for any STIs, and all negative. My fear was bladder or prostate cancer, but doc told me those were vanishingly unlikely for my age.

The episodes vary in frequency, but it isn’t every time. My thought was the prostate stimulation from stimming could be causing it, but finding any material on that is difficult (I’m no doctor, but just thinking mechanically).

As it stands, we have to wait a few weeks while I travel for work, then she wants to do a “PSA Test”, but I got the impression that was really just to placate me. She did offer to refer me to a urologist after that, which may be a good idea.

I have a few weeks off the stimming now while I travel, so I guess I’ll see if it calms down from that. From what you’re saying, I should sit tight for a bit, and maybe get the referral when I get back.

Thanks for the responses folks - it helps: This has been fairly anxiety-inducing. I guess “have you been zapping your prostate?” Isn’t on the usual GP script! It is good to know someone else experienced this as well, so thank you!
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by frugie88 »

Davespages wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:08 pm Any blood in your urine or sperm should not be taken lightly.

Does this happen without a stim session?
(You are not eating beetroot are you? As that can cause slightly red urine)
If this is recurring please seek a second opinion from another doctor.. just in case.
Personally I've had blood in semen if I haven't had any sexual activity (stimulation) for several days but it's only happened a couple of times.

Blood in urine - get to an urologist ASAP if your current doc is out of ideas. I've not had that happen after estim so something is going on that needs to be addressed.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by thalexad »

Just in case anyone stumbles across this, thought I’d close out the conclusion:

After being told this is nothing to worry about by my GP at 4-5 separate appointments, I tried another tack and went to a private GP who referred me to a urologist. After a cystoscopy yesterday, we found the cause was a non-invasive (we think so far) papillary tumour inside the urethra (early stage bladder cancer).

He thinks it can be safely removed, because it was caught reasonably early. But it goes to show: if you’re reading this because you have similar - go to a doc and make them take you seriously - cystoscopy and CT scan, and don’t let them fob you off - consequences could be extremely serious.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by Stimaddict »

thalexad> Very useful info and advice thanks. Problems like this are not directly related to estim but men should always be aware of the need to maintain their sexual health.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by mart52 »

Blood in urine (or equally I think semen) is a cancer or other problems (eg kidney) "red flag". My experience a couple of years ago (with the UK NHS) is that I was referred and seen pretty promptly by a hospital consultant and thankfully given the all clear. I was told 9 out of 10 cases referred turn out to be not a problem but any worry should always be referred.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by mart52 »

And for UK readers, the NHS staff were all very sympathetic and understanding in what was a very traumatic (never been ill before) situation for me.
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Re: Blood in semen after stimming

Post by thalexad »

Yep - stimming is almost certainly coincidental (although is contra-indicated if you know you have a tumour, so might have to give it a rest!). Just thought I’d close the loop in case it’s helpful to someone Googling!

@mart52 - glad your experience was positive, and hope everything is okay for you now!
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