New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

The most versatile and user friendly E-Stim control unit available today. If you want More Power, More Control, and more fun, then the 2B is the one you want.
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Torment54 »

I've just bought 2b, looking forward to getting in on the buzz, finding out how much 'bastard' I can take...esp from my hard Master

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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Bundy »

I'am new on the 2B after Using a normal non audio estim for some time.
So i tested the Bastard and some other stim files last time.
But i have the problem, that i don't feel some sequences (but the bar on 2b is showing some input on low and middle level) on the other side there are sequences which hurts so much.
Is that normal or what I'm doing wrong?
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Barcoded »

I’ve learnt such a lot from one -ost, thank you all. I’m downloading as we speak
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Andrewish »

Thank you for creating and sharing this! I’m a brand new 2B user who looks forward to trying Bastard as my first audio e-atom.
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Kent87878787 »

Hi StimAdict!
Love Your 3 Bastard versions! I like playing them back through Audacity and seeing the wave forms while feeling them at the same time! Totally fantastic!
I was wondering how you generated them? Do you mind sharing you techniques? Always interested in learning. If you don’t want to share widely, PM me maybe?
I’ve PM’ed you for access to you Audio Archive so hoping to get access soon.
Cheers & thanks again!
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Thedrop1987 »

Just to say, Bastard is a work of art, thank you :)
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by andyupnaway »

I have a DIY stereo box and no intention to buy a 2B. Would these Bastard files work OK? Any suggestions?
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Barcoded »

@andyupnaway your question can not be answered as there isn’t a way to understand your equipment. Equally, I can’t comment if you are missing out on the 2B facilities.
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by st123 »

i had fun with the file. i want more :)
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Re: New MP3 file - "BASTARD"

Post by Mike1a »

Hello, I'm new here in the forum and looking forward to meeting like-minded people
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