New edition of the legendary ET 312-B

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Re: New edition of the legendary ET 312-B

Post by Onwrikbaar »


Thanks for your response. I do understand your position as a manufacturer, and I was explicitly referring to the ET312 firmware, not to Estim Systems products or code. I would also like to mention that I am not among those who call boxes 'crap/shit/rubbish'. I used to own a 2B and I thought its built-in routines were quite good. I do not complain, I just try to explain what innovations are possible and what their benefits are, and I can definitely back that up with the devices I conceive, design, build, use and sell - something I've been doing for over three decades.

I think dismissing something that you have never experienced, with the argument that "we've been doing it this way for 20 years", is not particularly conducive to a fruitful discussion. Has it occurred to you that people cannot ask for things they cannot imagine, like patterns that are perceived as moving across the skin and through the body? Yes, TENS-like pulses and channels work. So did the Ford model T.

As for fine-grained control over the pulse sequences: that is exactly the thing that allows people to create routines that work best for them personally. And while I'm sure a majority of stimmers do not care for it, quite a few do - as exemplified by the sheer number of custom stereostim files that are created all the time. The easier we make it for non-programmers to write routines, the more people will do it.

Anyway, just in case it isn't obvious ;) I actually do think Estim Systems are doing a great job, as one of the very few who keep improving and updating their products. So, hats off to you.


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Re: New edition of the legendary ET 312-B

Post by admin »

I'm not sure where I 'dismissed something that I have never experienced' really comes from, I have experienced quite a lot in my lifetime and always smile when people come up with re-hashes of ideas, profess them to be new then when people point out the flaws or the fact things have been tried before and failed they then complain. I am always looking for new ideas, but as a designer of a number of units within the E-Stim world I can only apply things to my own experiences it is what makes us us human after all. Also I was never suggesting you complained, I was being more general - I though this was a general conversation about boxes.

You actually asked for control over individual pulses, now you have mutated into 'fine grained control over sequences of pulses - not quite the same thing and in fact quite close to what we offer with session files. The problem is with the concept of 'quite a few' v 10s of 1000s, we have sold quite a few 2Bs, and speak to users and potential users daily, so we do have some idea as to what we are being asked for, and you were the first to ask for control of individual pulses.... at least in my memory. It might be semantics but I can only respond to what is written, or at least my interpretation of it :-) However every request or comment does get filed in my internal list of 'I wonder if I could do that',,, that is the fun of being a designer, so I will never say never on anything.

Lastly please don't think If I disagree with you or offer a contrary argument to your stance I am 'dissing' you in some way or being defensive, I'm quite happy to explain our stance to virtually anything within the e-stim world without, I welcome conversation as that helps my though process, this is not a case of suggesting your ideas/thoughts are wrong or bad, just different to ours, and different is good - we love being different!!

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Re: New edition of the legendary ET 312-B

Post by Onwrikbaar »

Fine-grained control over the pulse sequences implies being able to specify for each individual pulse: start time (absolute or relative), polarity, pulse width, and either voltage, current or power (and in the case of my devices also the electrode configuration for that particular pulse). So the change in wording was intended as a clarification rather than a mutation, and indeed mostly a matter of semantics. :) My apologies that I wasn't clear.

"You were the first to ask for control of individual pulses" is a misunderstanding. I asked for no such thing; I merely stated that it enables sensations few people can imagine, and that it is likely to increase the number of e-stimmers that will create their own routines.

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Re: New edition of the legendary ET 312-B

Post by mrbutt89 »

donf wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2023 5:18 am However, if I had to pick the best power unit out there, it would be the 3rdH Player made in France by the 3rd Hand. It is a superior unit in every way, and I understand they'll be coming out with a replacement in about 6 months which should be even better.
I'm interested to see that 3rdH are still in the game. I translated some documents for them a few years back and it sounded really interesting. If I hadn't already got a 2B and a 312B I might have stumped up the cash to try one.
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