write own sequence

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Re: write own sequence

Post by Riddle »

With Commander 3 and the production firmware, the knobs changes will only be in effect until the next command change occurs. With Commander 4 and the latest beta firmware, relative changes are possible but not mandatory; so, A+ will increase from the current settings but A50 will always change it to 50.

I believe that improved control with the computer software would be nice and would like to see your suggestions implemented.

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Re: write own sequence

Post by SBzhongly »

@Admin. "The knobs will override any settings, and be reflected if you are using relative commands. We have looked at blocking the knobs but we know some people want to use them as well so at the moment it is a case of don't touch them."
Thought of that dilema. On one hand I want them to be safe, doing nothing when accidently touched, on the other hand I want to have the possibility for fine tuning without going back to change the sequence file.
Which brought me to the idea why not to implement a slide switch (like on/off) as a safety switch?
Switch "On" blocks any knob switches, "Off"not. Sounds like a good idea for the future (implementation sure is another thing).

@Riddle: " A+ will increase from the current settings but A50 will always change it to 50."
That is a significant difference. Good to know to avoid some surprises :D

Thank you all for your info and feedback.
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Re: write own sequence

Post by SBzhongly »

Time is running fast. Was busy the last months. Didn't had the time to purchase my 2B, missed one really good sales promotion (2B + connect for 269€)...
Waiting for the next chance I stumpled upon a very simple but cruxial question which did not occure in my mind before.

Does the 2b has to be connected all the time when playing a session or just in the beginning, e.g. for transfering or starting the session?

All the time I thought about the scenario such as: I write a session, check it with session viewer, connect the 2B, start the session and then disconnect it and the programm will run untill a. I switch off the 2B, or b the session ends after the programmed time is over.
Don't want to be "tied" to the computer due to the cable. Would be a bummer...
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Re: write own sequence

Post by Riddle »

Yes, the 2B must remain connected to the computer for the entire session. If you turn off the 2B without telling the computer to disconnect from the 2B, the Commander program will create a popup box for each time it tries to communicate with the 2B.
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Re: write own sequence

Post by SBzhongly »

Damn...good that I haven´t bought the 2B. Seems no longer interesting for me. Need to be stationary unbound or at least not connected to some wire during my sessions.
Any suggestions? C'mon, its the 21st century, there should be a way to put a self created routine to the 2B and let it play as long as the 2B is on without beeing connected all the time.
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Re: write own sequence

Post by admin »

As you say it's the 21st century, so why not build yourself a Raspberry Pi, or an Arduino, add in a serial card and power supply. write the code and it's all then easy. Given that a session can be hours long, It's rather difficult to incorporate all the changes into the current 2B. You could always use the alternative... but that doesn't exist at the moment.

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Re: write own sequence

Post by Stimaddict »

SBzhongly wrote: Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:59 pm All the time I thought about the scenario such as: I write a session, check it with session viewer, connect the 2B, start the session and then disconnect it and the programm will run untill a. I switch off the 2B, or b the session ends after the programmed time is over.
Don't want to be "tied" to the computer due to the cable. Would be a bummer...
You could record the entire session as an audio file, then play it back through a handheld MP3 player. That way your session would continue to the end regardless of whether or not the 2B was connected.
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Re: write own sequence

Post by SBzhongly »

@Admin: First of all I don't want to belittle the work that is being done here in this forum and by the estim-team. The 2B is a great device, especially about that possibilities to create your own sessions. All I want to say is that there is still a lot of potential in it and I know its easier said than done. I just don´t think its the end of the road now. Time will tell. I am happy to wait for new updates/upgrades.

E.g. Trough research for other devices I came to the DG-Lab Coyote, that is easy to operate remotable via App/Bluetooth (but cannot compete about variety and possibilities of programs and configuration) or the tool from LondonSubNIgel to operate the 2B via Bluetooth (the idea of adding a bluetooth box is great AND already done).

So its either the question to implement a stable bluetooth connection, or, to make it more indepentent from the extra power consumption for bluetooth, add a small inbuild storage medium to which the data is transferred via bluetooth or cable connection.

Again, I know its easier said than done. I don't want to criticise. Just givin feedback as a user.

@Stimaddict: Hmmm...I was never into audio files, still have to learn a lot how to create them. But the more I read about it, the more interested I am, as it gives really a lot of possibilities. Thx for the idear. Think I wil invest some additional time to catch up.

MeanwhileI am thinking about a quick & dirty solution/workaround WITH cables. Which means I need a very long version of the 2B Digital Link Interface and to be able to use the extra power and for very long sessions :D I will need a very long power supply cable. Haven't found anything yet, so it seems I have to build them by myself.

Can someone tell me the specs for the power charger as I don't have some available right now and on all the pics I can't read the inprint on the labels.
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Re: write own sequence

Post by admin »

The issue is how you pose your comments. Things like 'come on its the 21st century', doesn't really go down well with those of us who are still developing the 2B. The fact is the 2B has lot of opportunities and WE are still working on new ideas, but things do take time, and not everything appeals to everyone, as exampled by your comments in relation to audio files. Other companies have different products, but they have other limitations and support from the far east does tend to be dubious at best. There are BIG issues with Bluetooth - we would have to use BLE as apple support of traditional bluetooth is restricted, but BLE has limitations as you mention, and we also have customers who hate having to use their expensive mobile to control their e-stim unit, and others will complain if adding BLE increases the costs of a unit on the ground they don't want bluetooth, so no matter what we do someone will complain.

We listen to everyone both positive and negative, and try to give positive answers we are after all in the business of creating what customers want

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Re: write own sequence

Post by SBzhongly »

Errr...didn't want to sound like that. I apologize. I really appreciate the work done here in the forum/done by the developers.
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