different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

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different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

Post by stimnl »

I noticed a while ago that channel A and channel B feel different in a specific setting.

Continious mode on channel A feels pulsating trough the continious feel (like you feel two sensations at once) (the pulsation timing is a bit random) while continious mode on channel B feels stable/continious/relaxed (exactly like thrust mode on 10/10).
I have send the unit in for repair, this did not help. In a second repair attempt they changed the mainboard. Even after that the difference in feel is still there.

Did more users experience this? Could it be firmware version related?

Is anyone willing to test if his of her unit has the same difference in feel between channel A and B on continious mode?

The difference is most noticable on hi mode with the wall adapter. not or almost not noticable on battery in low mode.
Changing the wall adapter did not help.

For now i'm going to use the thrust mode as this is stable and feels the same way when not using the adjust option.

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Re: different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

Post by hanswurst »

My two 2Bs do the same ( I quite like that.
Continuous A feels different on every adjust setting and different again when channel B is changed from 0 to 1 even when only channel A is used.
My favourite (in Lo power): adjust 92, channel B 0.
My favourite (in Hi power): adjust 93, channel B 0 and 1.
All with power supply.

On newer firmware those settings feel completely different, that's why I'm mainly still on
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Re: different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

Post by stimnl »

I found out that the difference between the channels is gone in the new beta firmware, so it seems it is a specific firmware version problem.
Unfortunaly i do not realy like the changed sensation (the stimulation lingers after stopping )
Going to try out some older firmware's.
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Re: different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

Post by melicor »

Would it be possible to create a new program, that uses the old schema before the certain firmware updte?
I guess the beta firmwares are always open for some surprises. If that really changed i see no reason why both kind of modes can't be in one new firmare version.
I'd really like to try out the difference, but I'm kind of too lazy to up- or downgrade to different firmawares just for that :(
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Re: different feel on a and b channel in continious mode

Post by admin »

Not quite sure what you are asking for, but some changes such as the output drive system are not just mode related they will effect all the modes, and a lot of code is shared across modes.

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