Development Idea. Anyone Game?

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Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by NotARealName »

Hello All.

So I have it in my head, that I want to tie a few things together. I belive all the tech here to be mostly "off the shelf, open source" so it's just a manner of allowing them to speak together.

The jist of the idea is to take the "Edge-O-Matic" theory, of anal clenches before orgasm, and translate that into something usable on the 2B.

The 2B, has the USB connection, so the first part of this will require a custom written program (mac or pc based) that can control the 2b and read it's input / output.
As there already is a PC based programmer for the 2B, perhaps it can be modify'ed to the spec?

The 2nd part would be a input device, that can take a reading from a pressure / force sensor and connect that thru USB to the PC.
This sensor would be embedded inside of a small / large flow, or similar insertable.

The idea here, is that the PC based program will be able to read both the pressure / force readings, as well as the current / output on the 2b.
It would be able to compare them, so as to "learn" what is a false positive. IE, a clench caused by the Estim itself VS natural orgasm.

From there, a program could be written that could do all manor of things.
It could increase estim when it senses a orgasm coming, or it could decrease it.

If your using a 2 ch setup, perhaps it could increase one channel (on the flow / insertable) but decrease the penal glands channel.
This would ideally use some form of AI or basic learning, so that the goal could be set to prolong or delay orgasm. Tease more or punish for cumming. Etc.
Since you can set the "level" on the 2B, this could be done safely so as not to exceed what your comfortable with.

This could be further expanded, to also trigger / control a video / photo slide show.
Much like a powerpoint deck, containing images / video's that can be triggered in combination with the Estim adjustment, clench sensing, etc.
It could work to show "Hot" images or "Cold" images based on the state it reads.

Further expansion could occur if it were able to control bluetooth ( devices and such that could interact with other parts on the body.
Even further would be for it to use other sensors, such as a simple blue tooth finger / watch health monitor.
Using the heart BPM and other readings to assist in "real time" arousal state.

Some thoughts on the 2B

It has the audio input, which I think you could come up with a way to make a force transducer / pressure sensor output compatible with.
But as far as having a logic ability to "read" those levels and adjust programs on the fly? No idea if you could poll that data thru the USB.
It would be amazing if you could, that would at least remove the need for yet another device here to be connected.

Perhaps others here have hacked something like this together and can shed some light?
Maybe someone knows a programmer who can code and also not be all freaked about coding for sex tech?
Maybe someone is a electronics wiz and can machine up a flow with the added transducer connection's?

I'd have to pay a programmer, as I can not code, nor am I good enough with a raspberryPI etc to try to make something here.
(Well I MIGHT given enough time, to learn.. but frankly I do not want this to be a 3 year project with half done work.)

So putting it out to anyone who's open to a partnership that can bring the code / tech skills.
Myself I can bring some capital, design sense, spec's, sales / marketing of the device etc (and a willing "research" subject.)

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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by admin »

We have all you ask, after all I designed the 2B but the big issue is quite simple - the basic theory just doesn't stack up - Trying to measure something as personal as anal clenching is going to be a nightmare, from the transducer through to coding to identifying the action, to then generating the response. similar things have been discussed for years - using heart rate, blood pressure - pupil dilation and it all comes done to it might work in fantasy, but in practice it has too many variable when human response is taken into consideration.

There is already a way of controlling the 2B - thats been around for years. Using audio to process a pressure transducer - not a chance with the 2B, the hardware is not designed for it, and it would be simpler to look at ways of running say a Pi to do that side of things then zap with the 2B.

Measuring pressure inside a electrode, They do exist, but for vaganial use, but the logistics in adapting that for a metal e-stim electrode is mind blowing , and how would you work out the difference between an anal clench or movement from normal anal interaction against those that might occur just before orgasm? Thats PhD level research just on one element. Getting the setting right for the clench needs to work every time, otherwise its random zapping.

I'm not saying don't try, but as a developer/programmer/creator I don't think its a viable idea, and its far more complex than you might think. The fact you would have to buy in the skills needed would take you to Musk levels of ££££ even a 'simple bluetooth' connection is far from simple when you are doing something that hasn't been done before.

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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by Onwrikbaar »


Detecting clenches through an inflatable buttplug and a pressure sensor is easy, but no reliable algorithm has been found yet to make it applicable to automated edging.
Detecting clenches through a metal buttplug is also not particularly hard - I've done it with a €25 Olimex electromyography board and the results were quite similar to that of an inflatable plug. To combine that with e-stim will pose a challenge though, because you'd have to protect the very sensitive electromyography board from the high e-stim voltages.

You can find graphs of both techniques on my Fetlife profile.

However - if you are unwilling to learn to code, your pretty ambitious project is not going to fly. My advice would be to pick the easiest part of your master plan, buy an Arduino and start studying and experimenting.

Good luck!
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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by Riddle »

NotARealName wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 2:23 am So putting it out to anyone who's open to a partnership that can bring the code / tech skills.
Myself I can bring some capital, design sense, spec's, sales / marketing of the device etc (and a willing "research" subject.)
How much is “some capital”? I doubt anyone with the required skills would be open to a “partnership” with your proposal for less than 7 digits of capital. The first step of any project is to research it to determine an accurate starting point for the project. With you stating that the 2B has a USB connection and your description of the available data from it, your proposal requires you to do more research so that the details of your proposal are accurate.

I wish you the best of luck with this project.
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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by tamachan »

Basicaly the idea would be a blast if achieved, some kind of ai mistress software that would be able to edge you , punish you or relieved you will be very tempting

I don't know if it can be of use , but stimme pro has an bluetooth fonction to connect to the 2b with the help of an appliance,
so basicaly the same bluetooth appliance can possibly manage more devices and help you control both stim/edging/...
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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by Riddle »

My previous post on this topic was rather negative and I wanted to be more positive about the idea afterwards. The concept definitely has interest and would be enjoyed if someone created something usable. @NotARealName, if you would like significantly better support for this, you could start researching and developing a portion of the project and then request suggestions for the specific parts that have you stumped. People are usually more willing to help someone who is trying to create something on their own and much less willing to do all of the work for someone else’s project.
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Re: Development Idea. Anyone Game?

Post by NotARealName »

Hello all, do not worry I haven't succumbed to the negative post Riddle, it's all good.
I've found something, by accident on my google search's and wow my mind is blown.

A device that can control many different things and you can custom write scripts / sessions for it.

It would seem, this may form the basics of what I'm looking for.
In fact, they have a built in "Game" function

Labeled here as "competition" that allows a set of players to use Estim to slowly increase how much they can take.
Then moves to the next player, to see if one could "take" more than the others.

I am blown away all, because THAT alone has been something I've thought about how wonderful it would be to create that!
and here it is already fleshed out.

Honestly, I've had many a night of dreams were I've brainstormed how fun something like that setup could be. Girls VS Guys, guys vs 3 girls etc.
Then to find some willing "players" at perhaps the local swing club and setup a contest where the reward would be a HFO caused by Estim.
I've actually had a concept in mind of a way to sort of bring this experience mainstream. Maybe a pipe dream, but eh why not.
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