Looking for a powerbox

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Looking for a powerbox

Post by glenlivet »

I've been thinking about trying electro for some time and have started shopping for a powerbox. I've been reading reviews in the various forums and scouring the net looking at all the various offerings. I found a audio stim powerbox in a build it yourself kit from stimkits.com but I cant find any reviews on it anywhere. Has anyone had any experience with building it? How does it work?

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Re: Looking for a powerbox

Post by McMoan »

fetlife.com search "the tingler" it shows some pictures maybe they can help you out?

I understand that there are a lot of diy audio freaks here (like myself) but i should try the 2b first and enjoy
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Re: Looking for a powerbox

Post by donf »

I looked at the website and it appears they have only one kit available, but if you try to contact them, that option does not work. Also, to put the thing together, you have to solder over 30 parts to the PC board, and suppose you get one solder joint wrong, the thing will probably not work. I would not recommend this. A better option is to purchase a unit that's put together even though it will cost more.
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Re: Looking for a powerbox

Post by glenlivet »

Don't know why donf couldn't get hold of the Stimkit folks (assuming he actually tried) I had several long email exchanges with them before ordering. Granted they are a new kid on the block with only one product offering for now but it sounds as if they have several interesting products in the works. So, I ordered the Stimkit 1/Tingler kit. It arrived today USPS priority mail as promised. In the interest of full disclosure I am an electronic hobbiest- electronic hack would be a better description as I dabble in it but far from really knowing what the heck I'm doing ( for test equipment all I own is a cheap digital storage scope and a digital VOM) that's why the DIY kit thing intrigued me. Before ordering I downloaded the assembly manual which is quite detailed. IMO if you can solder which is not an intellectual challenge and anyone can quite easily learn as there are plenty of great tutorials on Youtube- you could put this thing together. If you follow the manual step by step it tells you what part your putting in the circuit board next, how to identify it and where and how it goes on the board. I completed it in about 2-1/2 hours but your mileage may vary. If you're an electronics whizz kid probably half an hour.
For testing I used the Audacity program and a huge collection of stim files found on Reddit posted by Stimaddict. Thanks Stimaddict! So many files so little time! To get the audio into the Tingler you have your choice of a stereo cable or bluetooth, I used bluetooth. The Tingler paired right up with no problem. It comes with sticky pad electrodes but I ordered up some conductive rubber rings from Amazon. This is my first go around with E-stim so I still have much to learn. After loading up several stim files and trying them out I now understand the interest in E-stim. WOW!!! With the sound output on the computer set to 75%- that was just a staring out arbitrary setting, I couldn't take much more of an output intensity than about half way up- after all I am still a noob. I'm assuming that as one gains experience you can take more power? There are also separate level settings on each channel and tweaking the individual channel levels gives a wide range of different sensations.
I'm going to do some measurements on my Tingler box to find out what the output intensity is for a given input. Like I said I set my PC to 75% output going into the Tingler and have no idea how that relates to the max output intensity. I'll post some screenshots of the oscilloscope readings after I get a chance to do the measurements.
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Re: Looking for a powerbox

Post by glenlivet »

donf wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 11:07 am I looked at the website and it appears they have only one kit available, but if you try to contact them, that option does not work. Also, to put the thing together, you have to solder over 30 parts to the PC board, and suppose you get one solder joint wrong, the thing will probably not work. I would not recommend this. A better option is to purchase a unit that's put together even though it will cost more.
In all due respect- could they perhaps be a new competitor to you? You seem to know a lot about the product having never had any experience with it. I had NO trouble contacting them. Before ordering I had several long conversations with the support crew about assembly etc., they could not have been kinder or more helpful.

There are two identical channels on this device. If you get one solder joint wrong ( which I wouldn't know how I taught my seven year old grandson how to solder ) but if you do, only one channel won't work not the whole thing. Simply resolder the joint.

I recently did a post on my personal experience with building it and my first use of the product. So far I'm delighted with it. As stated before I'm a total greenhorn with E-stim but I see no reason to buy anything else. When you get down to the nitty gritty of it, all of these audio stim boxes are little more than hybrid audio power amplifiers and the only difference is the bells and whistles and whether or not you have to use the manufacturers proprietary software and with one you don't.
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Re: Looking for a powerbox

Post by beem2713 »

I have designed, built and used many power boxes and have found it interesting to experiment. For obvious reasons discussion of DIY power boxes isn't encouraged on here so I'll stay off the subject but feel free to DM me if you'd like to discuss further.
In general Estim terms the input to your device you don't to drive too hard so the clipping occurs (top of a sine wave being squared for example), so it's worth watching the output or as in the 2B the input bar graphs so they don't max out on the loudest passages. You will find like me that as time goes on you can increase the output, if you can learn to relax even though youre receiving quite strong shocks it gets even better. The much sought after HFO occurs for me after a decent lime of relatively strong changing signals with a quite high volume constant signal, I find I can really increase the volume a lot at this stage, once the eruption starts be ready to reduce the volume considerably because semen is very conductive!
In terms of the above technique which works for me very time, I was pushed by a dominatrix along this path and she found my limits and pushed me quite hard to exceed them, she was a very skilled practitioner of all aspects of domination but loved estim as a speciality. I still see her from time to time and she readily finds my limits and then exceeds them by quite a margin LOL.
Good luck, enjoy experimenting, have a good run though Bastard the Movie it's a great file.
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Re: Looking for a powerbox

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