Anal estim

General Chit Chat about E-Stim. Not just E-Stim Systems, but ErosTek, PES and others.
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Anal estim

Post by Teloiv »

New to anal estim and was wondering what it feels like. I have placed estim pads on my sphincter before with the other on the head of my penis or balls but never done any internal anal estim before.

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Re: Anal estim

Post by Electricman »

I’ve been doing anal Estim for a long time, I have many different plugs different shapes. I mainly use anal Estim for milking my prostate or ghost fucking. It really feels amazing to me always gets me rock hard and feels like a deep throbbing sensation. It always produces a huge HFO.

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Re: Anal estim

Post by fgorbin »

The internal electrodes just feel so much better for me. I use a conductive rubber bipolar and its amazing. As you work your way up in electrode size and length you will be able to get better contact with P spot. form me now it is 1.25-1.5" diameter and around 4" insertion.
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Re: Anal estim

Post by pee »

hi i've never tried anal e stim , and am keen to try and get to stim my prostrate . i have insertable bi polar electrode .
so here is the silly question , should i use an anal lube . or should i use Estim's electrogel a different conductive lube .
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Re: Anal esti

Post by Electricman »

I've been stimming my prostate for a long time I always use electrogel gets the job done. I spend a lot of my stimming time milking my prostate until I can't cum anymore. I totally recommend prostate stimming best orgasms I've ever had.
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Re: Anal estim

Post by Ronfire7 »

I use the Moaner and a cock sleeve.
I find the moaner feels gives a better ghost fuck than actually getting fucked.
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