Best Insertable

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Best Insertable

Post by gbaz »

I have just taken delivery of the XPF ElectroPebble Pack and jumped straight into Prostate stimulation with the assistance of the Flange Insertable and the biCable. I can see how it might be possible to climax with these sensations. I am interested to know which insertable would be recommended to have the least chance of falling out during play. I am able to accommodate a reasonably large device. Which range would be best suited? Thanks

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Re: Best Insertable

Post by VFRman »

Hello gbaz
Nice to hear from another UK member. Excellent choice, the Electro Pebble, i am wired to mine as I type. Balls with stainless weight between two silicone rings. A sticky pad on the SS ring & the other below my balls on the Perineum, using, Mode Flo. Even though I have both the Helix & 2-B, for a quick play, love the little Pebble. Just remember, once the lights only reach milk/audio, on switching on, time for a new battery, especially if you plane a long session.

As to E-Stim metal insertable, falling out, tricky question to answer. I use the Large Torpedo & Deviant, plus the Large Triple. i also have stretched with much bigger silicone plugs (see photo) but mostly only use when sitting or lying down. So falling out is never an issue. From experience, the Large Triple once in for say 1+hours, when finished, to remove is a slow process. The Sphincter seems to lock down to hold this in. Keep in touch with more Infor about you & toys.
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Re: Best Insertable

Post by Ronfire7 »

Welcome to the world of Estim. I have a Pebble and the 2B. I find I like the Pebble better for the simplicity and controls. I have the Flange as well and then purchased the Moaner. You will find a huge difference with the Moaner. I find it stays in well and is a good size for me. You can change parts between the 2 so you can have a shorter shaft on the Moaner or longer on the Flange, just make sure to assemble them correctly with the insulator on the bolt or it wont work ( done that).
I like the rechargeable lithium battery for the Pebble, I find they last a long time and can be recharged, get 2 so you can replace one while playing if required. Have fun with it and try several ways of hooking it up, I like the tri phase for the simplicity of less cables and electrodes. Think I might order the triple soon.
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