Looking for Audio Files?

The most versatile and user friendly E-Stim control unit available today. If you want More Power, More Control, and more fun, then the 2B is the one you want.
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Joined: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:14 pm
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Looking for Audio Files?

Post by admin »

If you are a new user looking for links to audio files, then you need to post 3 times within the forum before you have the ability to post PMs.

Due to copyright reasons we do not allow direct links to be posted unless YOU own the copyright.

please do not post asking for links to be sent, such messages will now be moderated. instead post an introduction, post your experiences, post a personal - post anything E-Stim related!! please help to keep this forum interesting and vibrant for all users.

and if you are looking for a users archive, then PM the user.


E-Stim Systems Ltd