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Email Blocks

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:44 pm
by admin
We are aware that some users are having problems with receiving emails from the forum due to the policies of larger 'free' email providers. There is not a lot we can do apart from suggest you complain to your email provider, but we are investigating options.

in the meantime we suggest you monitor you spam folders and ensure that is added to any whitelist you have


Re: Email Blocks

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2023 7:36 pm
by admin

We have now made some changes, so you should see more emails from the forum when you need then, however as a consequence if you email address is not up to date and is bouncing emails back to us with mailbox full, or mailbox does not exist, then we will lock you account. It is a requirement of membership of the forum to have a valid email address
