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Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:29 am
by Rudeboy1968
Hi Wayne

Just an idea I had last night whilst playing. Would it be possible to add some sort of function that would allow the increase of intensity of both channels automatically (either individually or joined) on a set time scale, say every three minutes or so? Of course there would need to be an option of did one want it or not, for those who are maybe not into such high pain thresholds! :o :o :o ;) But this way one could just "relaxxxxx" and let the 2B work its magic.

Also another option that would be great (certainly for the male users - sorry ladies...don't know if it would work for you) is, what I would call, the "Bolero" option - one that started slowly and very gradually increased in speed and/or intensity to bring you off. Maybe there already is one similar but I haven't come across that one yet. If there is could you PLEASE point me in the right direction?



Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:34 am
by admin
Longer timescales is somethgin we are looking at. Both the step and the training modes have flat,/increase but the delays are still in the realm of seconds... still an interesting idea.. you can do it manually by linking the channel controls with the join option.

Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:17 pm
by Rudeboy1968
admin wrote: Both the step and the training modes have flat,/increase but the delays are still in the realm of seconds... .
Sorry - I'm being thick there - what does this mean? :roll:

Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:53 am
by admin
Rudeboy1968 wrote:
admin wrote: Both the step and the training modes have flat,/increase but the delays are still in the realm of seconds... .
Sorry - I'm being thick there - what does this mean? :roll:
Both the Step and training modes have a continous level output that goes up in a series of steps, and you initally mentioned, but the time of each step is quite short.. a few seconds, rather than the minutes you suggest in your original post.

for example
out level set to 10% then 2 seconds later 15% and then 2 seconds later 20%.


Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:23 pm
by Rudeboy1968
Ah - I seeeeeeeee! Thanks I'll just HAVE to try it later to check! LOL :lol: ;)

Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:16 pm
by Cyberprog
You could probably use some software to do this sort of thing.
Here's a technical question, could the e-stim guys post a graph showing Channel %age vs output for Low & High power, so writing some software to do this could (optionally) kick up into High Power when you hit 100% on Low.

Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:25 pm
by estim_si
Cyberprog wrote:You could probably use some software to do this sort of thing.
Here's a technical question, could the e-stim guys post a graph showing Channel %age vs output for Low & High power, so writing some software to do this could (optionally) kick up into High Power when you hit 100% on Low.
Nope, as the waveform under high and low power are different, its actually the power density that changes. And the perception is 100% on Low is not the same as say 30% on high. But sayingthat its not impossible to work it if you write the code.


Re: Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:41 am
by Cyberprog
Could you provide a graph still showing the differences between low and high, that would allow us to have a hunt for the sweet spot that's about the same between the levels a tad easier :)

Could I respectfully make a suggestion?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:18 pm
by estim_si
You have actually hit the nail on the head, because power is so perception based, any results are going to be biased. You might find it easier to consider low and high as two separate settings, rather than two versions of the same.
