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Does this adapter exist?

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:14 am
by bluesdeluxe
I'm looking for an adapter not for e-stim but rather for general electro therapy....figured you guys would know the answer best or know of a way to make something like this.

I want to use the 2B system along with an inversion table to relieve back pain. The unit I have is the Teeter EP-560 and it comes with acupuncture nodes that connect to the chair it self.

Here is a video of the system. Goto the 1:38 mark to see the acupuncture balls they use. If there was a way to connect the 2B system to some sort of elevated metal half spheres then you could easily couple those with this inversion table for unbelievable stress relief. I'm sure you e-stim folks could find a kinky way to use this setup too I'm sure.

Any thoughts?

Re: Does this adapter exist?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:01 pm
by admin
I think the issue you are going to have is firstly finding the conductive half spheres themselves, and you don't actually need then...self adhesive electro pads have been used in a similar way and offer much better contact.
