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Spinal cord injury and e-stim

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 12:59 pm
by p3227
I have had back problems for many years and after my last back operation about 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Cauda Equina - L3 incomplete. Using Cialis I can get an erection but due to reduced sensitivity I very rarely am able to reach orgasm, and have not managed one during intercourse for over a year as my situation seems to be getting worse. Several months ago I purchased a Cobra Libre vibrator http:// but although using it is pleasant, I do not achieve the desired result.

After some research I have started using my TENS 3000 with the TENS pads cut down to ¾" and placing one pad on the frenulum and the other on the same side at the base of the penis. I then used a pulse width of 260 microseconds and pulse rate of between 50 and 120 Hz. Increasing the intensity to a level that is just bearable is quite stimulating but after 30 minutes I have not been able to come.

Would an E-stim unit be better? Any other suggestions most welcome.


Re: Spinal cord injury and e-stim

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:36 pm
by hawkmtn
Hi, I'm a T-10 Para and have been for 20 years. Several years ago I started stimming after not being able to achive an erection or orgasm for almost 17 years. I purchased a few bands and using a tens I achieved my first hands free orgasm in years. I have tried all other device's including a $600 penile vibrator and a very expensive Venus Vacuum Pump Unit, but never reached a climax as I have no feeling whatsoever below the navel. Over the last few years using the Tens Unit and now Silicon Tubes, I am able to reach orgasm almost each and everytime I use my Tens, but in my case I have to use very high level on unit. When I start to throb and begin to shake alot I know I'm getting ready to ejaculate and that I switch quickly over to the burst and it actually milks me for a good 5 minutes. I have to say it has been the best orgasms I have had in many, many years. I really want to upgrade to a better unit but am unsure which one at this time as they cab be pretty expensive. I hope this info helps and would appreciate some feedback on what units might be better than a Tens. Thanks one and all for a place to talk about this.

Re: Spinal cord injury and e-stim

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:35 pm
by Tommyk
Now that something to celebrate!!! Best news I've heard all week! I am very new to this..but I thought of it as I am prone to adventure..More so,some years ago I had a clot in the right leg that took out the entire largest vein in that area. Doesn't supply blood to my dick,but does cause tremendous life altering pain from neuropathy and there is a domino effect as well. The use of elect for pain is well know,don't know how well it works.

But I thought,since I always wanted try this anyway,why not experiment with both uses. Diminish my pain,maybe and what I hear from so many..also have great orgasm and hands free. I have been single for a few years,mostly due to the disability..I was always a very active I'm very hopeful..any advice you might have I would really like to hear.