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About Audacity

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:59 am
by Healer

It occurred to me after I posted my discussion about Audacity, that perhaps there are those who'd like to use the program but don't know how to go about getting it. Well, suffice it to say, getting it is relatively simple.

First: It is free open software.

Second: It is version 2.1.3

Third: Go to and you find the download instructions and the necessary amount of memory you will need to download to.

Fourth: You should have the capability to translate the Audacity save as extension of .aup to .wav, which is very clearly explained how to do in their very well written and comprehensive tutorials. For example, I save my test signals under the .aup extension. When I am ready to modify and finish the sounds in question, I ,per Audacity instructions, import the sounds to a .wav file where I then burn them to one of my four CD-RW discs. If the sounds are what I expect, I then translate them to a CD-R but only after I have accumulated enough personalized sounds to fill up a CD- disc, after which I erase my CD-RW disc for future experiments.

Last but not least, give yourself some time to do the tutorials then experiment. As you get more proficient, I am sure you will start to visualize the frequencies and rhythm's that appeal to your senses and will be glad you tried the program.

Cheers :P