Couples use of Electropebble

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Couples use of Electropebble

Post by MilkBone »

Is it possible for 2 people to share the pebble at once, using separate channels at the same time? How about said couple engaging in intercourse during shared use? TIA.

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Re: Couples use of Electropebble

Post by chaotM »

MOD::: ******* PLEASE NOTE this advice is only correct for the 2B, the OP mentioned the ElectroPebble which operates in a different way to the 2B. ********

While certainly possible there are high risks and some not so pleasant side effects.

some explanations:
- The 2B has two channels, pair (A+ and A-) and pair (B+ and B-).
- In general current ( the "power" that excites the body parts and cause the erotic stimulation ) only flows confined within a channels pair. note: this changes with custom setups like a try-phase cables or such.
- A+ and A- form a loop, ignoring the B+/- completely and vice versa. So in normal use A+/- and B+/- never form a completed loop.

General it is safe to use if you keep a pair for each partner, this way each receiver has their own separate "current loop". both will be able to feel the e-stim, though not thru each others body to complete a loop.

The unsafe version is if one (or both) channels are split, aka A+ on one person, A- on the other person. This can be done by each wearing a mono-pole (anal)plug or pads stuck in places. This way the loop remains open and has to be finished via the bodies linking / touching to complete the loop.

The bad thing about it... if you have sex like this, the amount of contact surface is variable. the contact surface defines large part of the sensation felt when connected in the loop. On its own a funny experience though if you pull out slowly or even accidental, you have a short time where very little contact is made near the moment of breaking the loop that generally hurts! in a not funny or nice way.

Additionally there is some more danger. Current flow is always "shared via all routes completing the loop" not just the shortest route... kissing each others mouth or in sensitive places like this would make current flow across the chest ( heart ) and have some undesired side effects. the same for grabbing the others breast or nipple, while likely you and the other wont notice... current now flows near / across the heart all risks involved.

In other words, while it is possible to share a split channel, it is high likely to cause unnoticed risks that may or may not involve a visit to the hospital for possibly some real high power shocks to get the heart going again.

Sucking or licking the other while splitting a channel pair... very nice and very unpleasant at the same time. Teeth are extremely sensitive to the current flowing, if they end up being the shortest route to complete the loop, it hurts!. Only connecting the tongue to a very targeted sensitive spot hurts the tongue to a level that is unimaginable, and this is usually even far before the other even would notice the targeted contact. besides that, fluids conduct best, large vains in the neck are also feeding the brain... not a good idea to shock those... same goes for nerves running there, not good.

One can take more measures to isolate the body from the other like the use of a full body latex suit, this way only the open skin is able to complete the loop. still one needs to be careful to prevent flow across the heart / neck though.

so to conclude... yes you can enjoy together, just DO NOT split a pair between partners unless you are absolute sure of what you do, in that case you should conclude not to do it. For each their own channel, no problem there as long as all standard rules are still applied.

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Re: Couples use of Electropebble

Post by admin »

MilkBone wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2018 3:35 am Is it possible for 2 people to share the pebble at once, using separate channels at the same time? How about said couple engaging in intercourse during shared use? TIA.
It is not something we would recommend as the ElectroPebble is not an isolated channel unit and is not designed for couples use in that way. It has two independent channels but these operate in a similar way to a TriPhase setup, with a common Ground. However there is nothing to stop one person controlling the unit on the other.

If you want to play as a couple then the 2B is much more suitable as the output channels are electrically isolated from each other, therefore one partner on Channel A and one on Channel B is fine.

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Re: Couples use of Electropebble

Post by chaotM »

Very good to know that separation on the beple is not as advanced on the peble. I confirmed for the 2B i own and made the bad assumption of identical separation. Good there are admins to confirm or correct.

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