Is this normal?

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Is this normal?

Post by lightbuzzyear »

Update... Seriously folks, four days on and I'm still tingling. I'm getting worried. Anyone else had this? I don't remember the effect lasting like this when it's been done to me before.

I have been zapped a good few times by dommes and enjoyed it so much I finally decided to buy a kit of my own. My shiny new Pebble arrived yesterday and after carefully rereading the instructions I fired it up and tried various ways of connecting myself up. As when Mistress used them last time I saw her I found the rubber loops rather too intense [not that that stopped her!] and ended up settling for pads on my scrotum, which is all I'd ever known before. Had the power up full but still wanted more and used up two lights on the battery meter, but should my dangly bits still be tingling 24 hours later? It feels as though I'm still wired up, albeit on a low and intermittent setting. Did I overdo it? Are they going to shrivel up and drop off - just kidding, I hope.

What's the trick for taking the battery out? It's ridiculously tight. Having used so much battery life in one go I tried connecting a universal mains transformer that I bought for my electronic kitchen scales, which take the same PP3 as the E-Stim. [One of the six 'plugs' replicates the contacts of the battery, so it's a piece of cake to fit.] The Pebble fired up just as before and trying the test on my hand again my middle finger developed a mind of its own at the same setting as with the battery so the output would appear to be the same and neither I nor the pebble will suffer, and my wallet will appreciate not having to buy endless batteries. Mind you, I'm sure they used to be much more expensive than they are on Amazon now so it's really not the problem I thought it might be. Haven't bought a non-rechargeable battery for decades.

Looking forward to trying out new options when things have settled down but, TBH, it's already clear that it's much more fun when someone else is in control.


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Re: Is this normal?

Post by admin »

You do realise that by connecting the ElectroPebble to a mains transformer you are connecting yourself directly to a mains driven transformer with virtually no protection???? WE DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS AT ALL!!!! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS. The ElectroPebble was never designed to be connected to a transformer and does not have the level of of protection that you need, unlike our 2B which does have several levels of protection for operation from the mains.

If you are having problems with getting the battery in and out, then drop the support team an email at, They are sure to be able to help

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Re: Is this normal?

Post by lightbuzzyear »

It won't matter that using a transformer is supposedly dangerous as I it looks as though I won't be using the device again. It's nearly a week since I used it, with the battery, and my balls still feel as though someone is rubbing stinging nettles into them every so often.
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Re: Is this normal?

Post by admin »

You might have over done it a little bit - we always suggest starting slowly and building up, rather than bashing it at 100% for hours at a time.

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Re: Is this normal?

Post by UKRubberguy »

Not good but I have got a couple of thoughts as to why you might be feeling the after effects still.

1) You went straight to full power and you seem to have used it for quite some time as you used a couple of lights worth of battery. (I am assuming that you did this all in one go) That sounds like quite a long session and you did not work up to it which is always a bad idea. It is like exercise, you always ache for ages afterwards if you just hit the gym hard and you are not used to it and this is no different, your body needs to get used to this stuff. The way you describe your session it does sound like you did the equivalent so don't be surprised that your body is taking time to settle down again.

2) It is possible that you might have caused some sort of skin irritation from having shocked the skin in this way, again by not working up to it. I have done this in the past and ended up with a patch of skin on my balls that was very sore and weepy for about 10 days. (it did heal up and is totally fine now but it was quite uncomfortable and felt like I was still stimming and not in a nice way) Do you have any reddening on the skin at all? It is just a thought.

Personally, and I have been playing with electro for many many years, I can still have occasions where I have had a session and have overdone it because I got lost in the moment and I can feel the after effects for well over a week after. I doubt you have done yourself any harm as all these units are well tested and made within safe standard as after all E-Stim is a long established company and I am sure they wouldn't make something that could damage you.

I do think (and this is my opinion and no offence is meant) you have been a little silly in the way you have approached this by going all out full power for what I guess was quite a bit of time, so perhaps this is lesson learnt? I certainly wouldn't worry about it too much and I would definitely take notice of the Admins comments about not using the transformer as after all he designed the thing so knows what he is talking about.
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Re: Is this normal?

Post by lightbuzzyear »

UKRubberguy. Thanks for your advice. It's good to know it's happened to someone else - not that I wish anyone any harm - and caused no lasting damage. No, I have no reddening or anything like a burn, but I might have overdone it timewise. This wasn't my first time and I've had much more intense experiences with no aftereffects but I suppose they were briefer. It was only last month that I was zapped good and proper. I didn't go straight to full power this time but built up as, with the pads, I wasn't getting much effect on anything less. I only maxed out at the end. I didn't go near full power with the loops as that became uncomfortable on quite a low setting.

It'll be a long time before I fire the thing up again though, and would have returned it if they'd let me have a partial refund for the bits I hadn't 'contaminated'.
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Re: Is this normal?

Post by UKRubberguy »

lighbuzzyear, I am glad to hear that you have not got the issue that I gave myself as I can assure you it wasn't comfortable.
I appreciate it may not have been your first time but I think the thing to consider was the length of time you played this time around compared with any sessions you may have had previously as this will certainly have a bearing on the matter. I apologise for making the assumption that you had gone straight to full power but you had suggested that was the case by your original post.

The loops will feel more intense as simply there is a smaller surface area in contact with the skin. It does also help if you use some conductive gel as it makes them conduct better (again I am making an assumption that you may not have done so if you did forgive me)

I do hope that you have not been put off completely though as stimming is such a great sensation.
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Re: Is this normal?

Post by lightbuzzyear »

Yes, I expect I spent too long at it, though I was trying different electrodes in different places and not just blitzing one spot, and I did use gel. [What a rip off that if you tick the 'optional extra' gel box on the order page they charge more than if you buy it separately!] I kept turning it up to try to get an effect, far from the HFO I might have hoped for I couldn't even raise a smile, if you know what I mean, and that's not normally a problem. It seems, for me, the enjoyment comes from having someone else do it to me. I don't expect I will use it again and will pass it on to someone else to try, minus the pads I used. E-stim offered me a refund of 11% of the cost as a 'good will gesture'. At least they have a sense of humour. It's not worth a week and counting of discomfort for a few minutes of not-much-fun. Lesson learnt, as you said. Wish I'd gone for a cheaper option though. :cry:
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Re: Is this normal? Bin cheap eBay crap

Post by Sparky43uk »

Just found this the answer to my question I have been experiencing some discomfort After a session, after a session when lying in bed at night I notice Pulsing Shaft one side and Very sensitive tip. hope this disappears soon and will soon be ordering 2B. and will be putting in the bin the cheap eBay crap I have, lesson learnt
UKRubberguy wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2017 2:03 pm Not good but I have got a couple of thoughts as to why you might be feeling the after effects still.

1) You went straight to full power and you seem to have used it for quite some time as you used a couple of lights worth of battery. (I am assuming that you did this all in one go) That sounds like quite a long session and you did not work up to it which is always a bad idea. It is like exercise, you always ache for ages afterwards if you just hit the gym hard and you are not used to it and this is no different, your body needs to get used to this stuff. The way you describe your session it does sound like you did the equivalent so don't be surprised that your body is taking time to settle down again.

2) It is possible that you might have caused some sort of skin irritation from having shocked the skin in this way, again by not working up to it. I have done this in the past and ended up with a patch of skin on my balls that was very sore and weepy for about 10 days. (it did heal up and is totally fine now but it was quite uncomfortable and felt like I was still stimming and not in a nice way) Do you have any reddening on the skin at all? It is just a thought.

Personally, and I have been playing with electro for many many years, I can still have occasions where I have had a session and have overdone it because I got lost in the moment and I can feel the after effects for well over a week after. I doubt you have done yourself any harm as all these units are well tested and made within safe standard as after all E-Stim is a long established company and I am sure they wouldn't make something that could damage you.

I do think (and this is my opinion and no offence is meant) you have been a little silly in the way you have approached this by going all out full power for what I guess was quite a bit of time, so perhaps this is lesson learnt? I certainly wouldn't worry about it too much and I would definitely take notice of the Admins comments about not using the transformer as after all he designed the thing so knows what he is talking about.
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Re: Is this normal?

Post by suso13 »

I think that as the colleagues say, and yourself, you exceeded the power of the box, but you are not the only one who has happened to you. I read many tips beforehand before plugging an insert into my ass and giving it power little by little, and getting a little further, my feeling lasted only two days, it was like a very nice tickle. You have to go little by little and enjoy with your head
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