Overdriving the 2b with audio files?

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Overdriving the 2b with audio files?

Post by StimJoy »

Hi all. Been on bliss with the 2b for almost a year now, and hopefully close to releasing a beta of a web-based audio generator that I've been using with my device. I'm using v2.106.

I did a little searching regarding "screen flicker" and noticed that this could happen when driving the 2b with too high an audio signal. I've definitely noticed this on mine - although for me, it is like everything on the screen is flicking to an extent (other posts mentioned the battery/mains icon was the one flickering). It doesn't start off this way, but rather seems to crop up after running the 2b for over an hour constantly.

Another thing I've found that happens after running the unit for a while continuously, and this is the case for the built-in routines too (like throb or waterfall), is that the ability for the "select" button to work diminishes. IOW, if I go to double press the button to change modes, it doesn't actually do it. To note, everything is very responsive at the start, so this seems a consequence of long run time?

Could it be that running the 2b for a long time with an external audio signal as input, that the unit gets too hot from that signal, and starts to limit functionality (intention or not)? Seems like things resolve if I turn off machine for a bit, then back on. Do you think this is just a length of time issue, or could it also be from too high an audio signal (and perhaps combination of the two)? I had usually thought I'd want the audio histogram on the display to go as far to the right as possible, when the high end signals are sent...but now I see a post where we should aim for maybe only 60% of the way. So I've probably been overdriving the unit, but hopefully haven't damaged it; have you guys pushed these devices during testing under similar situations, to find out when they might fail?

Just want to make sure I don't prematurely end my units life any sooner than it should normally end.

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Re: Overdriving the 2b with audio files?

Post by Stimaddict »

Honestly I don't think you can "overdrive" the audio. All that happens if the input volume is too high is the variations within a stimfile are interpreted as a more constant tone, like the confused sound you might hear if you turned a radio up to maximum volume.

It shouldn't cause the 2B to run hot, nor should using the box for long periods. I've used my 2B for sessions lasting hours but have never experienced the symptoms you describe. Try doing a Factory Reset on your unit to see if that helps.
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Re: Overdriving the 2b with audio files?

Post by StimJoy »

I may do that, but it seems to be running fine with the input audio just turned a tad more. Just so I'm not maxing the histogram bars on the L/R display on 2b. Went for many hours last night and didn't experience the issue.
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