flange electrode

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flange electrode

Post by willy123wonka »

Hi All, I love my 2B and I want to take it to the next level.
I am thinking about buying the flange electrode, but there are 2 sizesI believe.
I have 2 questions about this electrode:
Which one should I buy, the small one or the big one. I have totally no experience inserting anything anally
What should I feel when it hits my prostate or how do I know it hits my prostate?


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Re: flange electrode

Post by estim_si »

Nope there is only one Flange, but you also have a Moaner and MJ with a flanged base, but different sized heads.


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Re: flange electrode

Post by Stimaddict »

willy123wonka wrote: Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:32 am Which one should I buy, the small one or the big one. I have totally no experience inserting anything anally
What should I feel when it hits my prostate or how do I know it hits my prostate?
Just my opinion but the first thing you should learn about butt-play is to lower your expectations. It's like ordering a tasty side dish with a Chinese or Indian meal - very nice but not the main event. I enjoy a bit of anal stim when I can be arsed ('scuse the pun) although cock-and-ball stimming is, to me, far more important.

You don't actually feel it 'hit' your prostate, rather a more subtle sensation where the deep perineal and anal nerves are stimulated.
There are two main ways to stim your prostate:
  • A BIPOLAR (two wire) trode to create a side-by-side or up-and-down sensation beside the prostate internally
  • A MONOPOLAR (single wire) trode linked to a CR loop or TENS pad on the cock or balls, to drive current directly through your prostate - (for this you can connect just one wire from a bipolar butt trode)
Size-wise I'd suggest novices choose something small to medium for their first anal insertable. Just relax and use plenty of lube then it slips in easily.
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Re: flange electrode

Post by StimJoy »

I agree with Stimaddict to a degree, but everyone's body is different and some may really respond to stim in that area.

I had a full electro-cum early on with a Tens unit, a single pad on my perineum area (which is close to prostate on the outside), and shared pads near my sacral nerve on my back. The pulse waveform contracted and release my perineum area so well that it was jerking my cock up and down...with no pads on it. Plus it stimulated the prostate thru the skin. It really achieved a jerking-off feeling (still does) that led to a great milking and explosion.

I have the MJ unit I believe, and it really hasn't done much for me. The inner bulb doesn't really sit against my prostate, so I don't inherently feel the current going thru it. Turning it into a bipolar mode where the current bounces between the inner bulb and outer flange can be nice, as it can, if I'm relaxed enough, create release/clenching cycles of my anal muscles to feel like fucking...sort of. Usually it is used as a common trode of a tri-phase, where the other two are on my cock and where the feeling is focused.

So moving on from there, I decided to DIY a trode, in hopes of getting something better. I have an Aneros Progasm, which really fills me up and nestles right on my prostate. It never really moved much, but definitely provides great prostate pressure. I found some coils of 1/8" wide copper conductive tape on Amazon; conductive on both sides. I applied two strips on opposites sides of the Progasm - one almost all the way to the "front" tip that points into the prostate, the other along the opposite side. Then took some Tens pads and stripped off the 2mm connectors and taped them to the end base of the Progasm (I'm away on business right now, don't have a photo handy). End result is a bipolar trode.

The front strip that goes against the prostate pushing tip...wow, that is fantastic. Using just that strip contact, and a second contact outside (say a pad on my lower abdomen), it feels just like someone is directly stroking my prostate; a wonderful internal massaging based on the audio waveform I'm using. I can also set it up to make it feel like an anal pounding, among other versions.

So I definitely like it, but also agree that cock/ball stimulation is highly enjoyable. It may take a while, or not, for the anal section to really work for you.
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Re: flange electrode

Post by willy123wonka »

Thank you all for your reply.

It makes me wonder if I should spend that kind of money, not knowing if it gives me a great feeling or not.

I was hoping the flange could give me the feeling StimJoy describes because that is what I feel with one pad on my perineum and 2 rubber rings. one at the base where both black leads go in and one ring on the middle
I need to put pressure on the pad to get strong vibrations and the feeling is really great when I do this. I was kind of hoping I could replace the pad on my perineum for the flange but keep the great feeling the pad is giving so I don't have to put pressure all the time on the pad anymore to get that feeling.

If the flange can not give me that feeling, how can I get that feeling
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Re: flange electrode

Post by thebears28 »

you don't know to you try. I have several of the E-Stim systems anal trodes and can say all can give me a HFO just in my ass. Start small, plenty of lube and see where you end up.
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Re: flange electrode

Post by 808Currents »

I have three different anal inserts; the small flange that came with the 2B, the medium magnum, and the OMG. Oh, I forgot I also have the ElectraStim Depth Charge. (I guess I'm an ass man!) If you're not into anal play, the OMG and Magnum wouldn't be my first choice. They are much too large and actually defeat the purpose of stimming. The small flange is nice and can be used both a a single or two pole device. The Depth Charge is a bit too cumbersome. If you want a cheap DIY alternative that I find extremely satisfying, take a 4mm CRL and insert one end into the clamp exposing just enough for a lead insertion. Then double over the long end and use electricians tape to secure it together leaving a small quarter-sized exposed loop at the end. It should be the length of your index finger or a bit longer. Apply some electro gel and you should be good to go. It's a very easy insert and does the job. In fact, it's become my go-to for anal stimming. I hardly ever use the others. Triphase set up: Bum and cock head, common around cock and balls. Two Channel: A: Ass and base of shaft. B: Cock and balls and cock head. Play around. Have fun.
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Re: flange electrode

Post by mrbutt89 »

I'd certainly echo the comment about the Depth Charge. You can't use it in a seated position, and whatever position you choose, you need to keep a hand on it to keep it inserted to the correct depth. Insert it too far and you'll get tingling/numbness down your leg as it stimulates the sciatic nerve. Oh, and it uses those silly little 2mm tens connectors so it's very easy to snap the pins off too.
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Re: flange electrode

Post by jjaerob100771 »

I started with flange and have only had my 2b for about 1.5 months. I have experienced HFO not with just anal probe. I find anal stim a warm up for HFO! I have experienced the ghost f$$k and it was an awesome feeling but even that did not give me a HFO.
I don’t feel like the flange hits my prostate. I feel like the pad on the perinium hits it more. I have done a Triphase with flange and pad on back of sac and pad at head cock and did have a HFO. I have tried with just flange to have HFO and it’s just not enough for me.
Happy stim!!
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