Keeping your online accounts secure

General Chit Chat about E-Stim. Not just E-Stim Systems, but ErosTek, PES and others.
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Keeping your online accounts secure

Post by LondonSubNigel »

This is not strictly e-stim related, but worth a mention I thought.

How many of you have had those messages on facebook like "Is this you in the video?" or been tagged in a weird post along with dozens of other people?

Very often this sort of thing is a prelude to an account takover, and as kinky people we should be especially wary of this. Having an account hacked doesn't just cause problems for us - but for all the people in friends lists, in our inbox, and so on. If someone has access to your account, they can potentially see things that might out someone, or reveal their kinks. So we should all think carefully about security, not just for ourselves, but for the communities of which we are a part.

In my capacity at BLUF, I've written a free guide "Securing your online accounts" which can be downloaded as a PDF or ePub. it's aimed at LGBTQ+ people but just as applicable to the kink community.

You can grab a copy from

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Re: Keeping your online accounts secure

Post by mrbutt89 »

That's a really useful and well-written guide. Thanks for putting all that work into writing it and sharing it.
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