The HFO journey

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The HFO journey

Post by NotARealName »

Hello All, looking for some input on this.
First off, I'm a male age 44'sh.

After really starting to log what "works" and doesn't work, how things feel etc while using it (Johanna's stim guide)
I've found that a warm up of assorted settings and porn, then move to a thrust setting and really play with the length / time.
Two bands around cock on a, and a moner using B channel.
Really adjusting strength between those two channels and "feeling" what is good, turning me on etc.
The mental aspect of this, damn near harder work than "real" sex lol!! It's NOT EASY to relax and turn the brain off and just enjoy!

But my question is, for those who have way more experience than me.. how do you define " This Works!"

On my last attempt, there was no real cum produced. I had what I would say a full body "Shudder" that I was able to get to slowly build up and then repeat.
Often felt in the pelvic area, but all over.. warm tingles. It isn't like a traditional orgasim at all, nor would I say it's "Better" or "Worse" just different.
Sometimes quickly, sometimes I could let the feeling last for 5 to 10 seconds and then try to build it up again.

Now I would say that's a HFO.. yes? Since I have no real frame of reference here, I'm going with yes.
(as a side note, a day or so later when I had normal sex with the wife, the amount of cum was damn impressive..)

I read thru some other posts on here, some folks that say it takes a far amount of time and yes indeed it did for me.
It was like a 1 hour warm up, and nearly 2 hours till I could get to the HFO part.

Looking back at it, some things I think I did "wrong" was not being horny enough. Seems like really that first hour is a porn watching warm up time.
Perhaps making sure I don't jerk off a few days before trying this again would help also. Maybe some supplements or some viagra?
I also really tried to find some good hypno / binaural type porn. Man I am wanting to go edit my own now, because good ones are hard as hell to find!

Another question / area of improvement.

I saw some other posts were it was mentioned that having to pee in the middle of a nice long stim session could be distracting.

Well I am kinda mixed on this. As I got to the HFO part of my session, it really started to feel like I had to pee.
I know some others mentioned that was the point were the HFO starts, so I didn't "stop" and go take a piss, had I done that.. I think it would have pretty much got me out of the zone.

So I had those HFO's (yes?) and once I was done (I think I was able to spend about an hour in the "HFO zone" I did in fact go piss and yea it was a lot.)

So now I wonder, bladder empty or full for a stim session?
Perhaps start empty, drink some water, have a 1 hour warm up, then move to HFO's, and try pissing while HFO's occur?
(Or just rather ignore if you have to pee, just go for HFO's and whatever comes out, comes out?")
I dunno?

Finally time line questions. From what I experienced, round trip it seems 3 hours is ideal or max.
1 hr warm up, 1 hr / 1.5 hfo's, and .5 ending / come down.

Does that jive with what you all experience, or should I try to adjust the "Warm up" or HFO times?
Can you spend more time in HFO zone, 2 or 4 hours? Should you even?

Well I won't make this to long.. but would love some feedback and advice here.
It's a adventure for sure and while those HFO's (if that's what I had indeed) are fun, man it's a LOT of work to get there!

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Re: The HFO journey

Post by spini »

NotARealName wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:46 pm
But my question is, for those who have way more experience than me.. how do you define " This Works!"
Yes, for me too, it was a journey, of several years, with many twists, turns, and false dawns. But Ive got 'there' now: I can now have HFOs without any hassle, or any sense of it being work, sometimes several times a day, or otherwise once a day every day of the week. And Im nearly 70. Since I worked out my personal 'formula' about four or five years ago, Ive had many hundreds of HFOs.

As to defining if an experience is a HFO, for me at least, it would not include the shuddering you describe. My HFOs are really intense orgasms, always more powerful than manual ones, and with as much if not more cum. Thus the attraction of the HFO is not so much that one has managed to do it without use of hands etc (although that is psychologically satisfying in its own right), but that it is a much higher quality and truly orgasmic experience.

That's not to diminish the value of near-orgasmic experiences (like shuddering) induced by estim or otherwise. A lot of my estim play (deep urethral stim, ghost fucks via anal probes, triphase) etc is not designed to get me over the top. Those approaches are satisfying in other ways, in the same way that in sex with a person, the foreplay might be ultimately more satisfying than whatever you do to actually cum (if at all). And as you also point out, the 'foreplay' type of estim approaches can help one to relax, and that is definitely important in preparing one for a HFO.

So, I think in your journey so far, I think you have discovered many of the important elements: the right erotic imagery, either as fantasy, via porn and/or helped along in various other ways. Relaxation. Sufficient time. Bladder? For me a full bladder is not a good thing for estim. I dont mind stopping to pee in a session, because Im not in a hurry anyway, and there can also be value in having a break from the stimming. It allows the nerves to recover somewhat, and become more responsive.

The one thing you haven't mentioned though and which is for me the single most critical element for a HFO is the electrode configuration and the waveforms. While I use a really wide variety of electrodes, placements, and waveforms across my sessions, when I want the actual HFO, then I go for a very specific configuration. Of course, what works for one person might not work for another, but having read many posts about HFOs over the years, I think the single most common element in a successful HFO configuration is getting a lot of current towards the glans.

For me, that involves the following electrode pairing:

(a) a small electrode. I use either [1] a 3cm circular TENS pad on the frenulum; or [2] a short 4-5cm urethral sound; and

(b) a larger electrode somewhere else. The large one could be a monopolar anal insert, or a 4 to 5cm TENS pad on the perineum, or the base of penis, or my fave position, directly opposite the frenulum pad on the shaft of the penis just below the glans.

As you probably know, in such electrode pairings, the size differential between the electrodes means that the location served by the small electrode will get most of the stimming sensation, and the greater the differential, the greater the intensity. It helps to have a reasonable size difference, because that means at the start of the session, you can have amazing feelings without having to turn the dial up too high. So it gives you a cushion to work with as the session proceeds. One problem you can face in too long a session is that the nerves get desensitised, and you don't have any more dial to work with, as it were. A really powerful fantasy, or some amazing porn usually gets me over the top in such situations, but I have had the occasional 'failures', maybe 3 or 4 times, where Ive maxed out my 2B (and nerves!).

So in terms of session length, one could have a super long session focusing on foreplay-focused activities (eg ghost-fucking), and not run into any problems. My longest session of this type was six and a half hours. But a long session that is continuously delivering lots of stim to the location that will eventually be used for the HFO (in my case the frenulum/glans area) can be problematic in terms of maxing out the powerbox and nerves. I generally find that two hours of direct glans focus is a good compromise between wanting to be in that zone forever, and not maxing out. You haven't mentioned which powerbox you use - one of the benefits of the 2B, especially when running on mains power, is that it delivers lots of power, and even much more so if you use it in conjunction with audio files.

Waveforms: I think this is more a personal thing, but the single most useful one for me is the A-Split, with the cables plugged into the 2B's A channel. For my HFOs I also always have a cable from the B channel going to two electrodes across my scrotum, but that's a very idiosyncratic thing.

There's lots of other factors too that one forgets one had to discover along the way. For example:

1. Making sure electrode placements are stable. Nothing is more disconcerting (to me), for example, than a pad that starts to lift off as one is about to cum. The sensation then becomes super sharp.

2. Making sure that unwanted electrical connections dont arise. For example, precum dripping out of one's cock as one gets close can form an excellent electrical bridge to the skin of your thigh or tummy, again, leading to unexpected and unpleasant sensations.

3. Whether one is standing, sitting, or lieing down can change the experience quite markedly.

So keep experimenting, I think you are getting close, and, in any case, everything you are learning now will be useful even once you have discovered your own personal HFOrmula.

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Re: The HFO journey

Post by Barcoded »

Thank you both for posting your experiences.
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by NotARealName »

The one thing you haven't mentioned though and which is for me the single most critical element for a HFO is the electrode configuration and the waveforms. While I use a really wide variety of electrodes, placements, and waveforms across my sessions, when I want the actual HFO, then I go for a very specific configuration. Of course, what works for one person might not work for another, but having read many posts about HFOs over the years, I think the single most common element in a successful HFO configuration is getting a lot of current towards the glans."

Ah, well I have so far kept it simple.

Ch A, to head of glans area, and around balls using the rubber loops.
Ch B, to a moner.

Thrust setting, Ch A around 40, and B around 80 to max.
Adjust the feels like around 42%
I didn't go into the shift thing were you hold down and then make a separate adjustment on B

I also just ordered from JO's site, the ladder thing, that appears to help the rubber loops in much better placement and evenly spaced (so looking forward to that)

Also as you point out, so the "Shudders" to me, felt near or more so better than what a final orgasim feels like.
With those "Shudders" I can repeat them, that's the most amazing part of it. I kinda don't want to experience the HFO you speak of if that's the end of it.
I've read a lot of posts were folks mention that because it's a hand free, they are able to go again, in short order.
My understanding of the male penis, I dunno once the cum shoots out.. seems like that would be it for the day.
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by NotARealName »

The one thing you haven't mentioned though and which is for me the single most critical element for a HFO is the electrode configuration and the waveforms. While I use a really wide variety of electrodes, placements, and waveforms across my sessions, when I want the actual HFO, then I go for a very specific configuration. Of course, what works for one person might not work for another, but having read many posts about HFOs over the years, I think the single most common element in a successful HFO configuration is getting a lot of current towards the glans."

Ah, well I have so far kept it simple.

Ch A, to head of glans area, and around balls using the rubber loops.
Ch B, to a moner.

Thrust setting, Ch A around 40, and B around 80 to max.
Adjust the feels like around 42%
I didn't go into the shift thing were you hold down and then make a separate adjustment on B

I also just ordered from JO's site, the ladder thing, that appears to help the rubber loops in much better placement and evenly spaced (so looking forward to that)
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by VFRman »

Hi Notarealname
May I suggest a few pointers. Hands Free Orgasms (HFO) not sure how you can get that confused. Either you are cumming with ejaculation (might be a dribble or big shooter) or you are not. I imagine when you cum, wife or by hand you know what that is. Same with E-Stim. As I am 81, a true orgasmic hfo I have had only once. No matter, I always need a little hand work to get me to the edge & then I can let my 2-B finish the job. A lot of shuddering & screaming! Time, about 1-2hrs with a break half way.

One of my settings/mode.
3 x electrodes.
1st small round pad to Frenulum or further down underside of my cock.
2nd 50mm pad cut down to half size either placed on top balls (balls stretched metal or silicone rings) or on Perineum.
3rd my Large Torpedo anal.
2-B mains power set on High & Tri-Phase cable, Black to A & Orange on B.
Other end. Black (common) centre of Torpedo.
Yellow to balls or Perineum.
Red to cock.

Screen shows default settings, 50/50. Turn up Level A until some sensations start. Then Level B, play with these to let the nerves get accustomed for a while.
From here the sky is the limit. Turn the Adjust to say 60, hold down Select & turn the right hand value to 60. Play with the power on both. I eventually end up at 95 on left value & about 75 on right. Each click will bring an amazing change between continuous & pulse. Try around 95-99 & other say, 79-81. Power levels to suit you. If you go down to say 6-12 you will get a big ghost fuck. Using a mirror, my Anal Torpedo is moving in & out! Will be enjoying some of this on weekend.
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by VFRman »

Forgot to say.
My 2-B is set on A-Split for the detailed description just posted.
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by Barcoded »

Thanks for the detail, much appreciated
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Re: The HFO journey

Post by spini »

VFRman wrote: Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:55 pm Hands Free Orgasms (HFO) not sure how you can get that confused. Either you are cumming with ejaculation (might be a dribble or big shooter) or you are not.
It could be that NotARealName is experiencing prostatic orgasms with that particular set-up (it includes a moaner). I have never personally experienced one, despite trying various approaches, so Im no expert on them. But, at least according to this source:

a prostatic orgasm can be very powerful, perhaps more so than a 'penile' orgasm, and is not associated with normal ejaculation. And, as also in line with what the OP has experienced, prostatic orgasms seem to have a shorter refractory period.

But I do think the OP is perhaps confused in thinking that when people are talking about HFOs on forums, they are talking about something very different from the regular ejaculatory orgasms you are clearly referring to. I've never got that impression.

He says this because he has read that HFOs have a shorter refractory period. While I have never come across that being discussed in the forums myself as yet, I do know that on several occasions I have had two HFOs without any break in between. The first time, last year, I had just come, and had left the estim running, as I often do for a minute or two after orgasm. In that period, suddenly some very exciting porn came on, and I was off and running again. My cock was hard, and there was no difference in the estim experience or the HFO that followed within the next 15 to 20 minutes. If anything, the release associated with the second orgasm felt both 'easier' to achieve and more complete. A few days later I consciously set out to repeat the experience, and did so, so it was no fluke. I havent felt an urge to make it part of my regular repertoire, although I do occasionally have a HFO session in the afternoon, and then another at night.

All in all, I think the OP has hit upon a very useful set-up that is giving him great results. I dont think they are the HFOs that most here are thinking about or experiencing, but maybe they are even better!


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Re: The HFO journey

Post by VFRman »

Thanks, Spini
You learn something everyday! Yes I have read about prostate massage & orgasm, not something I have achieved. Your link with detailed explanation between penile & prostate orgasm is enlightening. Apologies to notherealname for doubting his experience. My ignorance on the matter. For me I can massage my prostate with fingers (whole fist if needed) & so far have only noted a change from the clear pre cum lube to a milky one. However, no orgasmic sensation.
So much to learn. So little time.
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